
B - Brendra
C -?
D - Doreen
E - En en
F -?
G - Geok teng
H - Hanana
I - ?
J - Jia yi
K - konnie
L - Li xin
M - ?
N - Natalie
O - Oh Mei Qi
P - ?
Q - ?
R - Rhong peng
S - Shu wen
T - ?
U - ?
V - ?
X -xuan hong
Y - ying ying
Z -Zoey wong yap yee

2) Can R & S be together in a BGR? they dont know each other.
3) How is L related to you?classmates!
4) Does Y know Z?no
5) If C betrays you, will you kill him/her? ?
6) If K steals your boyfriend/girlfriend, what would you do? dont no.
7) What if B tells you that he/she has a crush on you?no we r not a les.
8) Will you and M get into a fight? ?
9) Who does R have a crush on? cannot say
10) If G calls you a bitch, what would you do? dunno
11) What's the relationship between you and E? ?
12) Who is I's best friend? ?
13) Who does Z likes? ?
14) What colour does Y likes? purple or blue if i not wrong
15) Where does G lives? yishun
16) Did you and C have a fight before? ?
17) Who is H's best friend? dunno
18) What can you say about T? ?
19) What if W tells you that he/she has a crush on you? no.we not les
20) tag 10 people to do this quiz
-jia yi
-rhong peng
-lay peng
-geok teng
-kuan lin
-kah yin
-ying ying

~ money cannot buy happiness + money cannot buy life = money don't solve all problems
~ taking your life away from your problems just means you're a coward that don't dare to face the reality.