random photo again
27 Jan Fri
last min invitation from Winnie at 11 pm
so i sneak out when mum n dad went work
went Winnie to have steamboat at first with rhong peng konnie Winnie Winnie mum yang yang
den Bernard wei ying eng jie karwuai they all join
gamble with them after that
den went home at 2.30am with konnie and Winnie mum drive us home :)
28 Jan sat
konnie come my house slack first
den we went to buy cake for Nara
den went Bernard house
rp and xh came den we eat
den jac Nara Winnie join after that
surprise Nara with cake
home at 12.30am
29 Jan sun
bro friend came over my house for steamboat help to prepare
den they gamble
went to bought yu sheng at sakae sushi
boring sun !
30 Jan Mon
i am dam bored now so i blogging ok can