photo at take at rp house
more photo go to rhong peng blog/ fb
hi once again i am here to blog about the past few day
30 Jan Mon
get the result of jac
posted to bishan ite accounting course
posted to bishan ite accounting course
i still have the feel that i dun wan to go to ite but no choice everything is already end it will stay like this le cannot change
forget it den
31 Jan Tue
went to jac house for steamboat with Winnie rhong peng konnie jia hui iris Nara
since so long we are all together yeah
mahjong after dinner
den home at 10 because of my mum !
k nvm
1Feb wed
2 Feb Thur
3 Feb Fri
only eat , work ,sleep for this three day
3 Feb Fri
happy day because is pay day :)
after work cab down to bird house to play mahjong with them
i am dam tired from work but
when i see my friend i am energetic again
power of friend
home by 3 am because have to reach home before mum reach sneak out again haha
chat on phone with rp till 5am
crazy right dam tired but still dun wanna sleep
4Feb sat
overslept should wake up at 11.30am n meet them at 1pm
but u know i wake up at 1.15pm !!
lucky they change to meet 2pm but i am still late k
meet the girls first from lunch n shop for food at ntuc
with rhong peng konnie jiahui eng jie mei mei
hahaha sister shopping today
went rhong peng house to bbq later
with konnie , jia hui , eng jiie rose Megan bird
jun hao they all join after that
Winnie came after her work
wei ying came too
cab home at 12.45am
actually must reach home before 12 am but haix
seriously i have been enjoying this few day with all this friend playing eating chit chatting
i am still thinking y we are not like that when we are in the same sch same class for long
after so long we finally realise we can have so so so so so much fun together
still cannot believe that we are all going on a different path
and we may not meet again since all need to study hard
haix i will really really missed this day that we are having so much fun yeah
let try to meet up k !!!!
ok stop here same i nv check k